
Can we collectively take action on commercials before trailers?  There was some Ethan Hawke movie I had never heard of.  Tried to make me watch a fucking commercial before?  No.  not happening.  Dicks.

Wow you can really tell the Washowski's part as the ones that are outtakes of Speed Racer and suck.  Lucas 2.0.  So sad how that creative team's trajectory has changed since 1998.

Wow you can really tell the Washowski's part as the ones that are outtakes of Speed Racer and suck.  Lucas 2.0.  So sad how that creative team's trajectory has changed since 1998.

Venice Beach has always been a Meth loving trailer park with a beach and a few million dollar houses next to HUD projects.  Nobody remembers Venice being nice.

Venice Beach has always been a Meth loving trailer park with a beach and a few million dollar houses next to HUD projects.  Nobody remembers Venice being nice.



So true, his character was refreshing and novel in Swingers as we all had a friend like that.  Now everybody is like that or the Paul Dano opposite.  Nothing is normal anymore!

So true, his character was refreshing and novel in Swingers as we all had a friend like that.  Now everybody is like that or the Paul Dano opposite.  Nothing is normal anymore!

Ghostbusters 2 was fucking horrible.  The tone of the first one was dark and threatening with laser accurate comic releif by the characters (not just Murray who is awesome.)

Ghostbusters 2 was fucking horrible.  The tone of the first one was dark and threatening with laser accurate comic releif by the characters (not just Murray who is awesome.)

Also Tropic Thunder was a major labor of love that happened to make money.

Also Tropic Thunder was a major labor of love that happened to make money.

But your not money baby.

But your not money baby.

I still hold to Clementine from Spotless Mind as the most manic if not dream girl of the bunch.  And probably the point in history in film when we realize manic girls are fucking nuts and should be avoided.

I still hold to Clementine from Spotless Mind as the most manic if not dream girl of the bunch.  And probably the point in history in film when we realize manic girls are fucking nuts and should be avoided.

Clementine from Spotless Mind was missing from this video which is bullshit as there is no better version.  And to answer your question, you should stay the fuck away from anything that is "manic".

Clementine from Spotless Mind was missing from this video which is bullshit as there is no better version.  And to answer your question, you should stay the fuck away from anything that is "manic".

He's just European.  We're all like that.