
@avclub-7f720bbf75ca938c6adcb570530a0ce4:disqus Do you have any noted reading for you opinion?  Not that you have to have an opinion, I just have heard some solid evidence regarding Glass-Steagall from Frontline.

@avclub-7f720bbf75ca938c6adcb570530a0ce4:disqus Do you have any noted reading for you opinion?  Not that you have to have an opinion, I just have heard some solid evidence regarding Glass-Steagall from Frontline.

Nope.  A friend many years ago invited me to a private screening of Ed Harris's Pollock movie where it was about 20 people, including Harris.  Crazy dude starts going "OH THAT'S GREAT!  OH, WOW!"  Ed Harris pops up and nearly decks crazy dude.  The screening wasn't listed anywhere, as far as I know it was a small

Nope.  A friend many years ago invited me to a private screening of Ed Harris's Pollock movie where it was about 20 people, including Harris.  Crazy dude starts going "OH THAT'S GREAT!  OH, WOW!"  Ed Harris pops up and nearly decks crazy dude.  The screening wasn't listed anywhere, as far as I know it was a small

Had Pinkberry today in the lovely summer heat. knowing not to add the Cap'n toppings as to avoid two days of dead nerves through the roof of my mouth.  Only 36 years to learn that the Cap'n goes in your mouth and does things you regret many days after.

I have sprained my ankle back peddling on my original statement. Seriously, it was a dumb comment. This guy just needs a guy and cookies or something.

Guys please.  Proofread before publishing.  It's getting old.  I mean this in a loving way.

Guys please.  Proofread before publishing.  It's getting old.  I mean this in a loving way.

Not to turn on you but if Avenged Sevenfold guy got the ax YOU have to go sir!

Not to turn on you but if Avenged Sevenfold guy got the ax YOU have to go sir!

She just doesn't seem to know her audience.  Did she expect to come on a morning show and have them get her esoteric style?

She just doesn't seem to know her audience.  Did she expect to come on a morning show and have them get her esoteric style?

I didn't mean to diss MC Chris fans, I have no idea what he is about.  And we have guys going through the shit in the Middle East who very much could be playing his music on their iPods.  So basically, this guy just bothers me, retract statement about "generations".

I didn't mean to diss MC Chris fans, I have no idea what he is about.  And we have guys going through the shit in the Middle East who very much could be playing his music on their iPods.  So basically, this guy just bothers me, retract statement about "generations".

Yeah it is low hanging fruit but just… really?  crying?  I blame Friends.

Yeah it is low hanging fruit but just… really?  crying?  I blame Friends.

Hey just a quick thanks for that account, I thought it was funny as hell.  You put thought into it and that showed.  Did they give you a reason why?

Hey just a quick thanks for that account, I thought it was funny as hell.  You put thought into it and that showed.  Did they give you a reason why?

I see this and think of my grandfather who fought in Iwo Jima.  I suppose everything I enjoy I could be reductive and hold up to that but this just kind of hit me.  We are different men these days.

I see this and think of my grandfather who fought in Iwo Jima.  I suppose everything I enjoy I could be reductive and hold up to that but this just kind of hit me.  We are different men these days.