
I am sure you know this but cable doesn't have any rules per the government as it is a private bandwidth.  The "Language" warning put up before the show could allow anything the first amendment allows.  It is only the advertisers that matter regarding censoring.

I am sure you know this but cable doesn't have any rules per the government as it is a private bandwidth.  The "Language" warning put up before the show could allow anything the first amendment allows.  It is only the advertisers that matter regarding censoring.

Not to be that guy but… we don't let or not let people give us blowjobs.  There is no question in the matter.

Not to be that guy but… we don't let or not let people give us blowjobs.  There is no question in the matter.

Good point, god it would I would love if they had more episodes to explore all of these things.  I would love to Tucker go up against a senior minister.

Good point, god it would I would love if they had more episodes to explore all of these things.  I would love to Tucker go up against a senior minister.

Read. My. Lips.  No NEW TA… LET'S ROCK!!!!! PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW.

Read. My. Lips.  No NEW TA… LET'S ROCK!!!!! PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW.

Seriously, the "maybe you can download rice" is probably one of the best fucking lines ever.  Seriously, this show is endless quotes.

Seriously, the "maybe you can download rice" is probably one of the best fucking lines ever.  Seriously, this show is endless quotes.

I wonder if it is supposed to be some phobia of his that was undeveloped.

I wonder if it is supposed to be some phobia of his that was undeveloped.

Am I supposed to read this in Pinkman's voice?

Am I supposed to read this in Pinkman's voice?

Four women take a apart every appliance in their oh no you didn sassy trailer park.

Four women take a apart every appliance in their oh no you didn sassy trailer park.