
I am shocked at the amount of love Chevy Chase has.  Technically Bill Murray is a bigger asshole behind the scenes (and I have never heard anything bad about Chevy Chase's family) but still, Chevy?  Really?  He is hired to act, not bitch and moan and bring down the rest of the cast and crew (just like Alec Baldwin).

Chevy can go for all I care.  Just like Alec Baldwin (should have put in Will Arnett when they could have.)

STOP THE TRAIN! Sean Bean is pronounced like Sean Penn???  I have watched him for 15 years now and always heard it pronounced BEEN.  This may cause my brain to melt.

They need to bring on Michael K Williams and T-Dog can go "FINALLY, now look white people this is how things are gonna be.  I done taken notes on all you bitches and here is who we gonna kill first.  LORI.  Then keep moving down the line until we have Omar, T-Dog, Darryl (who gets racially mocked every episode), and

I just tell myself the actress is in hysterics at the script she is given each week like Shelley Duvall in The Shining.  She is shocked to the core.

also translated as "I was incredibly loathsome at your rise to fame since we both knew one another as nobodies."  Which, as a nobody, I totally relate!  Fuck those fuckers!

Better than Walking Dead where we have to skip the first 40 minutes. is the worst thing ever invented ever.  I had used it twice and felt like a total idiot both times (which of course I am.)

Thank god for Michonne.  That image of the samurai sword (Max Brooks approves!) and the two "slave" zombies was, as always, the 2 seconds that make the whole ridiculous production worth while.  Somebody get Dan Harmon on this shnizzle!

T-Dog driving like that truck is fresh off the lot.  Did anybody else think that truck was about two inches away from getting stuck on that side of the road when pulled a fast bitch?  I would GUESS at the end of the world and the only combustion engine between me and hordes of zombies that I would be ginger with that

Everytime I think of my worst, absolute worst, shittiest, manipulative, horrible bitch girlfriends I have had I see Lori now and realize they were all angels.

Hey thanks for that link, Dan made a great point about the breakdown and how it pissed off the main news outlets for stomping on their turf.

Since I am blind and stupid does anybody have a rundown of easter eggs this episode?  And is there such a database for all 60+?

1.875 isn't that much I don't think.  How does Sons of Anarchy/Rescue Me/Mad Men/Breaking Bad all compare for ratings to budget?  I really don't think Community is that expensive for any network.  It is just the ghost of Friends, Seinfeld, Raymond, and now Big Whatever Theory that set an unrealistic bar for every

I have the weirdest boner thinking about that possibility.

@tossin  very true however that is because they are budgeting and shooting in a network mode that has been around forever.  There can still be the Call Of Duty episodes and more bottle episodes.  It doesn't have to be an all or nothing battle, which the network for better or worse only sees it as.

I came into the show late in the game (VERY LATE).  I found this treasure in the pilot and then realized I had like 60 episodes to enjoy.  I would happily give some back to keep it more, let's say BBC-ish, and keep it alive.  Stop trying to make these shows into Cheers or Seinfeld.  Curb doesn't come close

And sorry for replying to the obvious post that you made.  I made it through 4k but I Chang-ed out and collapsed.

It costs 40-45 a season because it runs 24 episodes. What other cable show runs that long? I would much rather save the series and cut the episodes down than lose it all for an insane 24 ep order.

Has anybody made the observation that if this show was on cable it would be doing fine and no worries would exist about it's future?  Wasn't this the Arrested Development problem?  Granted Always Sunny is like 100k an episode, surely this would pull prestige on a cable outlet's lineup.  Network TV is its own worst