its a mix of chill and weird, which i like
its a mix of chill and weird, which i like
I really don’t understand why and how Ed Sheeran is famous.
I think Taylor is being extra sensitive right now because her new album isn’t catching fire like her previous albums.
Agree to disagree. But you’re one of my favorite posters around here.
actually there were some entertainment journalists on twitter who were talking about how taylor swift’s team sent them letters to take down any posts that were less than complementary so i think that’s what he’s talking about here
She drops this bomb and it's never called back again. Ever.
No one will ever create anything that’s better than the original movie, but I’m curious to see Franco’s homage.
He was a pretty impressive child actor in Bridge to Terabithia.
I just don’t get Josh Hutcherson, as an actor, or looks wise. Nothing personal, but sometimes you see people that have ‘made it’ and just wonder how the hell did THEY make it...’ Then you realize they must be a child of someone that already works in the business i.e. Jennifer Aniston, Kristen Stewart. Anyway, I Just…
*makes chicken noises*
Oh, hai; mark?!
or Tommy Wiseau as the movie?
/casually tosses you a football
Man this news makes me want to play football in a tux.
Watched the YouTube clip. It’s crazy how spot on he is with the way real couples talk. It’s like he put a tape recorder in my house because this a fight my husband and I have (pretty much word for word!) on a regular basis.