Come On In Here

Nationalism is the new trend, get on board. WWIII is going to be the best! The third movie is always the best!

What ever happened to Geena Davis. She used to be in movies but now she's not in movies anymore.


Roiland has said they specifically refuse to do time travel because it's annoying and hard to keep the timelines straight. The one where time splits is as close as they will get and he HATES that episode.

The people who put this list together are smegheads!

She's performing at my home town's amphitheater. I live in a suburb of Salt Lake City.

A punchable face and RBF are too different scenarios. Usually a punchable face has an overpriced watch to go with it. RBF affects people of all walks of life.

Wow. This story is super sad. I think I may have to watch this movie.

I thought the most hated woman in America was Hilary Clinton.

Probst would not be able to contain the amount of boners he would have if that happened.

Bad tattoo job?

He was perfectly cast in Idiocracy.


"Push the Button, TV's Son of TV's Frank"

Jonah's happy with that. He wants to end the Joel v. Mike convo by creating a third option which everyone can hate equally.

The cognitive dissidence of seeing Dax Shepard play "intelligent" sticks with a person.

Then they all go skydiving. YOLO POWER RANGERS!

But, very stupid. Crosby was very likably stupid. Dax Shepard always plays stupid. He is the most stupid astronaut in Zathara.

How does that work though?

She's a muppet that can flap her hands, technically that makes her a savant in the muppet world.