
Yeah and I once worked at a chocolate factory where several kids died while on a tour—let me see if I can find a clip.

There are 2 things fake in your story—the ID scanner...and your story.

Sounds like a great time—yell YINZ as you go past the city lol.

Fun list

Plaxico Burress would've shot himself in celebration.

Yeah but they won’t have the 1st pick in the draft—big dummies :/

But Forrest Gump can run across the God damn country unobstructed?

That’s what I call my dick after a 5 mile run.

I just had a stroke reading that.

Your “rebuilding” team has the 9th highest payroll in the league—I hate you.

Can I replace “roommate” with wife?

Don't you come into this convo showing off those World Series rings bub.

Terrace West sues South Beach hotel because his room on the east side of the hotel was robbed—he stated “fuck this place I’m heading back north”.

I would like to smash that Ace.

She will get to that point—and I think “at peace” is the perfect description.

Lol, don't judge speedlimit9 on this interaction alone—I'm sure he's a swell guy.

We’ve never met or spoken before but I fucking hate that for you.

I'm about to have post traumatic stress.

Interesting point and I could see how someone might try to manipulate the rule but if someone goes way wide of the bag or reaches out to trip them it’s really an easy call.

I’m a Bucco fan and my buddy is a Cards fan—in Dec. he posted something about “big things” for the Cards this year and last night he posted that this was a “rebuilding year”.