You’re just arguing about semantics. Don’t be a dick.
That’s basically what is meant when people say “man-made climate change”. The acceleration part of it is implied and understood. You have to a stupid motherfucker and/or an evangelist to miss it.
I understood like four words of that.
As an atheist who sees this as a great piece of art and not some sacred relic. So what?
As long as they stick with puppets for Gremlins I’ll be happy.
roadhog is making the exact face i made when i noticed the cupcakes
So are humans. Please neuter yourself and spay your wife.
It would be pretty weird for me, a gay man, to be against the idea of a gay character. I just don’t think it’s necessary. In The Last of Us it made sense because it’s a story-based game and explores some deep themes of humanity. Overwatch is an online shooter with no story. Sounds like they just wanted to pander to…
I’m not against diversity, but I am against “diversity for diversity’s sake.” What does who she has sex with matter in an online shooter?
do the robot next
Well.....Kanan and Ezra don’t really call themselves Jedis, but they do (Kanan mostly) follow the Jedi path. So technically, Obi Wan and Yoda are the last remaining Jedi.
Hey, I know people keep calling this guy Elite, but he gets into all sorts of trouble when he gets out of the pocket.
In all fairness to Trump, the media labeled this ‘unprecedented’ too, including Gizmodo:
So...where can one see the evidence?
“...They allegedly even produced their own pornography for uploading as well.”
We got the manga here, but there was no comparison in popularity between the anime and manga. Everyone watched the cartoon in the states.
The anime was far more popular than the manga in the US, and Z itself was way more popular than the original Dragon Ball.
I’d say more “big cunt” than “little bitch.”