I’d love to see a Venn diagram of Ariana Grande fans and Final Fantasty fans
I’d love to see a Venn diagram of Ariana Grande fans and Final Fantasty fans
I genuinely lol’ed
I main D.Va and Tracer and I can say I’ve done some pretty downright ridiculous shit with D.Va. but I still don’t think the health and damage nerfs are necessary. Good DPS players and a good Zarya are perfectly capabale of countering a good D.Va.
Not D.Va...
43 times a day isn’t enough for you?
I feel like if a commenter made a post similar to yours, they would be called lazy and stupid.
Maybe these “shippers” should stop thinking their stupid fantasys aren’t cannon.
This is so under appreciated
Well it came out in the 90's, so it technically was last century
This is a lie... it was Nicholas cage
Arguing about which final fantasy is the best is like arguing about which region of the globe has the best cuisine.
100% agreed. No spin offs or sequels either. Get started on XVI
I like that you threw in “casually”.
I hate to play devils advocate here, but I enjoyed your volley with the author, so I’d like to chime in....
Oh my god. I when I read this I heard it in Trumls voice and it was perfect.
Yes it was
Lol, “esports”
To be fair, you are wrong historically, and presently.