
Hot take

She farted


Wow that mystique is great

Oh I followed you after you made mention of me having such a notorious reputation on kotaku, so I figured I’d look you up. Funny thing is, I didn’t even need to follow you because you argue with someone in have the posts on kotaku. Yeah, I follow you for a good laugh, but it’s become clear, you’re the one with the

Yeah, that’s a pretty fucking enormous reach. I’m sure these kids are getting feet chopped off, whipped, are taken from their families and sold to the highest bidder, while being forced to work in almost impossible conditions for their entire life until a time when their masters let them die, or kill them out right.

They were scared because if this dip shit gets elected, it’s going to be 4 years of vendetta’s and pissing contests. I’m not defending NBC for it, and if anything this just shows how spineless they are, but I can see why they didn’t opt to rub it in his face months ago (because they are pussies)


Unpaid except for the free ride scholarships, free room and board, food, tutors. Yeah, other than that they are completely unpaid.

Notre Dame is always awful. Every fucking season. Why is anyone ever surprised they are awful? Even the year they played Bama for the national championship they were awful.

Hahaha, yeah, stalking. Please don’t flatter yourself. It’s real easy to find you shitting up half the threads on kotaku with your miserable personality, and nit-picking everyone’s comments.

Believe it or not, I actually have better things to do than keeping track of christies comings and goings

I don’t believe for one minute that Christie would #1 do anything nice for anyone, and #2 would be able to restrain himself while bringing a box of doughnuts to the office

He probably would have won in all honesty. I remember many people saying they would vote for him, but hated palin. I still feel like they picked her as VP just because she was(is) a woman. Sounds terribly sexist of me, but I really believe it

Bastion rarely troubles me. Especially if you can work together with a teammate to take him down.

Meh, this video doesn’t really prove anything. It’s just a highlight reel showing he’s a good player. The fact of the matter is that you still need a balanced party.

Am I missing something here? Is FIFA 17's in game social media network referred to as twitter? If it’s just some generic social media name, I don’t see how he should be upset. You can’t possibly account for every user name on the 2 million different social media platforms that exist today

Lol, you’re looking way to far into it. “I moved on her like a bitch”, he’s not using his, eh, best words.

I can’t even see Hanzo without thinking of the i hanjo guy

Why contest the point when there’s arrows to sling at all those enemies taking the point?