
The whole gimmick is the fact it is virtual Legos. It lets people's imagination go crazy. And, while I already hear the hate coming, Minecraft was the primary pioneer in this sorta thing at the time. As it got famous, people took some of its elements. It's popular primarily because of how old it is.

The main reason everyone likes those movies are because they empower women. When's the last time you saw a guy prancing around singing "Let it Go?" All other Disney/ Dreamworks princess movies told little girls they need a prince to save them. They're popular because they're different. Although, it is way over hyped

Flex, and point. Flex, and point...

The first 3 times I was consumed with finding the kid. I went in head first, played the waiting game, even lured the forest men away one by one and killed them off. Never found the kid. After that, I kinda assumed that he was there more as a motivational than anything, at this point in the game anyways. Then I tried

In most cases they would. It's more of a courtesy thing than anything else. I used to work at a Stop and Shop. If I found fruit or anything not packaged in place where it wasn't supposed to be, then I was to throw it away. Allergies are a huge problem today as well. What if you happened to put that bag of chips next a

Umm... Gatchaman Crowds irl?

I was mad when I first read your comment cause I though Nintendo has come up with some pretty good titles for a few franchises over the years, then I got the joke.

Best comparison I could make would be if Hollywood just decided to make a movie on Harry Potter, but never asked J.K. Rowling. She'd probably be okay with it but would ask for a portion of the revenue. That's what Nintendo is doing.

I understand that. I was just saying it because everyone else is tying it to their supposed money problems.

At this point, of these are so overused, they're starting to get funny again

I am still trying to figure out why they are doing this. While last year may have been one of their worst ever, they are by no mean in financial trouble. Nintendo reported earlier this year they have enough money in the bank to have last year repeat again for another 10 years or so. So this doesn't make any sense.

While I disagree with you, there is a valid point stated here. I haven't seen a game where the Gamepad was an major part, as in you can't play without it.

I would lose my shit if she was in Smash. That would be fantastic. I don't think they've had a character that "showey" before.

I agree. I also like the position of the buttons. I have a 3DS but my hands end up cramping after playing for a little bit

I'm trying to figure out what your argument is here. PS3 and 360 are not something this console should be compared to. They're old consoles so you can't argue price points. Graphics compared to PS3 and 360 are at least on par, better in many people's opinion. I don't know if you mean PS4 and One. If you did, the

I think there'll be something like a pre-game lobby where players see who is playing as who. Otherwise, they'll be situations like regular everyday gamers up against pro tournament players. At least I hope they do something like that.

There's still only 4 classes, (5 if you include the monster,) just different versions. Medic, for instance, you could play as Val, who is more or less your generic healer, or Lazarus, who is more stealthy and offensive. It lets the player costomize their class a little more.