Coma the Doof Warrior

It has all the hallmarks of being totally fake:
1 - Ridiculously-specific
2 - Ridiculously-convoluted scenario
3 - Other person has an emotional breakdown in public
4 - Deals with a hot-button social issue

One of my friends never saw Avatar in theaters, and ended up getting it on DVD to finally see what the fuss was about. I watched it at his place, and he ended up liking it quite a great deal, even though we just watched it on his big screen TV. He's rewatched it a couple of times on his own since then and still enjoys

But if you speed it up that fast, all the mournful nuance and deeper chord structure of my work are lost!

Don't talk about his humpback, don't talk about his humpback, don't talk about his humpback…

That would make much more sense.

"I'm shocked, SHOCKED to hear that Casablanca was set in an actual city during an actual war!"

It's likely most people who watch Game of Thrones have probably never heard of the War of the Roses, but what makes this proposition so "outlandish?" Can anyone imagine a scenario where someone would be unable to believe that A Song of Ice and Fire is cribbed extensively from English history?

"The film 'Mad Max: The Best One Yet' opened today in celebration of director George Miller's 100th birthday. Though Miller is confined to a wheelchair and unable to speak, he was somehow still able to put together a rock-n-rollin' thrill ride through the Wasteland that keeps the adrenaline flowing."

Sorry we liked a thing. Thank goodness you were here to tell us we were wrong!

George, take all the time you need to make it happen. I can wait 30 more years for something as exciting and fun as Fury Road, or just go without rather than see a lame, tired cash-in.

Catholic-school Doof Warrior had the opposite problem. Classmates told me that JCS was the best, because the Roman soldiers had machine guns. Young me assumed that this meant a rip-roaring action flick with shoot-outs and explosions. Then we saw the movie and it was just some musical! Ugh, I was disappointed.

"Backdrop is half of drama, and everything happens against something," is one of those concise, yet incredibly insightful statements that makes me love I.V.'s writing.

My girlfriend was appalled when she learned that I hadn't already seen this movie and made me watch it. She said she wasn't sure what would have happened to the relationship if I didn't at least enjoy it. Turns out I absolutely loved it.

What a weird coincidence! I just watched this movie for the first time with my girlfriend this past weekend. After years of assuming it would just be a Ritchie-esque thriller (glib, fun, and mostly surface detail), I was impressed how well it dealt with the themes of guilt that Vikram mentions in the review.

Present as ordered, sir!

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