Colt .45

The US supported a coup in Ukraine. Then the US and EU propped up a puppet pro pro US/EU Government which CAUSED a civil war in Ukraine.

Maybe the way to stop it is, I don’t know, stop selling drugs in the Philippines?

Russia views Eastern Europe in much the same way we view Latin America and the Caribbean: A sphere of interest where countries like Russia and China have no business sticking their noses. In the Baltics especially, there are a lot of ethnic Russians they view as displaced citizens.

It’s not much different than the current “Muslim Ban” narrative.

China’s economy is still largely dependent on America’s appetite for consumer goods, though that is beginning to diminish as China’s own consumer class develops. As long as 90% of the goods you purchase are “made in China” and wealthy Chinese nationals keep acquiring assets in the United States its pretty safe to

Jalopnik needs to stop posting this garbage noise on its feed. We get it - Terrell is pessimistic about all things Trump. We get enough of the political bullshit from Jalopnik’s own contributors.

Back in the day we just complained that FTA brought military stuff to to an automotive site. Now FTA is just a shell site for anti-trump pro-gawker pro-theslot liberal garbage. Please do is a favor and either associate FTA with the liberal parts of this site or quit posting your political crap on the jalopnik tree.