
Yes. You aren’t going to see their dick. And they might have a lunch situation gone bad.

We’ve got better soccer out of the system though. Luxury tax system works. Not all rookies will even have room on the top 3 teams. Rooks would go to other markets for time, money and development.

It is a Goddamn terrible idea though.

With NCAA troubles, the NBA will soon have u23s and u17 teams. AAU affiliations like club soccer feeder systems.

The combine was called something different back in the 1800s.

No max contract to limit the top end, so the top emd doesn’t care.

+1 Zinger

The NBA without a draft would like more like soccer. Players could go to teams that would develop them. Utah would need to be an Ajax/Dortmund type while LA/NYC would try to be Madrid/Manchester types. No draft and no max contract would be nice if they kept luxury tax system. Can’t have no draft and a hard cap. Which

Blue Chips needs to be aired daily now.

Shit. Now I have to burn my new 998 New Balance.

All that pitching talent going to waste.

+31 games

+1 Mo Town

He isn’t the racist the media portrays. He is the racist the he has exposed as himself, with his own words.

Bynum > Howard.

I am already tuning out and ok with these jersey ads.

Because what’s an obstruction of justice felony when looking at a fraud felony....

Westbrook in a walk.

The checks end after a couple years. Hey jock look at my career which pays until my bitcoin hits 10k. See the difference?

Slow fucking clap.