
And he stopped making those jokes.

It literally took me one internet search to find his apology from 2012.

When you find the part where I defended pedophilia please let me know.

But unlike you, other users actually ENJOY chatting to me. Whereas they just have to endure you and your endless pious posturing. 

But this was neither harassment nor assault. That’s kind of a major difference.

As a person in their 40's, I can tell you, and would like to hope, that we still grow and change.

I feel like Gunn coordinating with his buddy Michael Rooker to go visit sick kids as Yondu, and getting sick kids to come visit the set of Goth 2 along with his efforts to be nothing but good to fans outweigh some shitty jokes that didn’t actually affect anyone (to the point literally no one cared until just now)

That’s where the lack of context comes in. The only stuff I’m seeing shows none of his other tweets at the time, what tweets he was responding to, etc. It’s just a bunch of cherry picked tweets by a raging nutjob who is trying to push the conspiracy theory that Democrats and Hollywood are involved in a massive

I don’t know: are you going to harass me on posts and keep  your inane, pious horseshit going where you are the sole deemer of what is acceptable in society?

“When pedophelia is an ongoing theme for you...I dunno. That’s weird, man.”

Eh, maybe..? I’d be curious to see what else he was tweeting around that time, and how often he was tweeting. It’s possible these were just mixed into an avalanche of sick humor. Even if he was tweeting nothing but this, it’s possible he just

He thought it was OK because they were obvious jokes (albeit very sick, very dark jokes) and his followers at that point in time obviously expected that kind of humor from him, given his association with Troma and fame for (in the pre-Guardians days) making sicko horror films like Slither.

I mean, clearly he isn’t

Honestly, there is no way to win in situations like this. He should have just said, “Comedy is a liminal and carnevelesque space where propriety is suspended and no topic is off limits. I will take the blame for being a bad comedian, but I’m not going to apologize for using humor to address an issue that some people

Pedophilia JOKES are by definition funny. Abuse of another man woman or child is not.

Yup, they’re aware that the left has an issue with its own zero-tolerance and will take anything that it can out of context to vilify whoever it chooses to.

Let me fix that for you:

Honestly I don’t think the jokes need defending. They aren’t funny but in the context of coming from a guy who got his start working for Troma and making horror movies they are fine for what his audience was at the time. I really feel this is more of a mistake on Disney’s PR for not looking through one of their best

“Erlich” the character was hilarious. TJ Miller the person is a scum bag and I’m glad they canned him. But I am curious about the timeline. Wetterlund was on seasons 2 and 3 of the show. Miller was written out at the end of season 4. So the question is - how much bad behavior, and what exactly was it? Because if he

Seems more likely to me his behavior wasn’t bad at first but got progressively worse as the show became more popular and Miller got more outside work. But you’re right, that’s definitely something that could be addressed if she chose a worthy medium to voice her complaint. 

So? T.J. got fired or didn’t she hear?

She’s right—everyone at Silicon Valley needs to wake up and drop TJ Miller from the show!