I’ll never buy one simply because the idiotic location of the power button.
Laziness and procrastination might work in college, but it won’t in real life.
I hate princess principal for one very irrational reason, and that is that all the old men and male characters look realistic in their proportions and style, and all the girls use that bubbly fucking stupid over-stylized look.
If you can’t check for them in a mirror and suffer from neck issues, this is a useless thing.
The ice cream guy also sounds like a huge dick, and people like that deserve no pity.
If I was trying to sleep at 8AM in the morning after a third shift, I’d be a little annoyed too. Kids are either at school or asleep themselves. Playing music from a parked car (which is illegal - noise pollution above a certain dB) should also apply to people who blast songs out of their modified deafening…
Rule #1, reputation is everything. Be legit from the start and you won’t have a problem. Pirates are just felons that haven’t been caught yet. Same societal stigma applies, regardless of if its right or wrong.
I always see ignorant people who don’t understand Japanese culture making rude assumptions about portable consoles. Live in Japan for a year, then you’ll understand - you racist.
If people are doing homeopathy that way, they they’re doing it wrong and THAT’s what doesn’t work.
This one is easy. Don’t use it.
Your title is 49 characters too long.
The issue is that the Scorpio is a computer, not a console, it is masquerading as such to try and one-up on Sony’s market share. Microsoft needs to pick a camp and stay in it instead of trying to merge all of their content into a fan-boy product. For $700 I could build you a top-of-the-line gaming PC that would run…
Assholes and thieves, the reason the world can’t have nice things. What do those two types of people have in common? - selfishness. Which breeds entitlement and superiority complexes. Fuck pirates.
CGI “anime” makes me sick. Way for them to destroy two of my favorite manga, Berserk, and now this.
All I heard was bitching because you didn’t like something with no proof that it failed to do it’s job. I liked it and could use it without issue. This entire article is subjective.
I’m tired of seeing that fucking miserable excuse of a human being’s face in my feed.
The only way to safely protest is not to protest. Getting a bunch of people together, of which 90% will be idiotic pricks inciting riots and destroying the purpose of a legal protest, only invite retaliation and reinforces the idea that protesters are aggressive self-entitled assholes, thereby dragging the point of a…
How about let’s not.