Colin Wheeler

It does not always have to be black and white. Your childhood sounds as exciting as a 22 year version of Lawrence of Arabia, in silent, while on Valium. The blokes in the video's childhood looks to be more on the running naked through the streets of Riyadh singing happy clappy Christian songs. I guess as long as

The point I was trying to raise was rather that the problem lies with your government, not with the TSA.

I think it is important to point out that OneNote also has a free version as part of the Microsoft Office Online offering. This will sync with Skydrive and can be shared with your team. We find it a great way to do collarborative notes in our meetings.... either online or with the offline client that is part of

Seriously? Woot to the most retarded security practice in the entire world...oh, sorry, except for North Korea where cell phones are banned, or no as I am not sure if things that could mimic a cell phone are banned. The U.S.A. government is becoming as much an authoritarian bunch of pricks as the UK, North Korea and

Sorry, but his video again is a victim of paranoid U.S.A. intellectual protectionism an us free folk in Switzerland are not allowed to watch it.

Yup, perfectly legal to grow some plants and smoke them here where I live. It is a great thing some countries don't give a flying f*** about the U.S.A.'s war on drugs.

I agree, what a load of crap. Stupid U.S.A. intellectual protectionism.

Yes but the chance of a U.S.A. (or other power drunk nation) president doing something stupid that will screw up the planet for much longer and kill more people and destroy more progress and damage more of the environment is so much greater!!!

Hear hear, where is the intern? If he is this guy then you could tell if it is going to be cold by if he still has his.....well. Enough said.

What, no update??? Has anybody tracked him down?

I see what you have done there.

What shocked me first off had nothing to do with drones...I just thought to myself, how many countries on the planet are at war with more than one other country at the moment????????? And perhaps those countries should start re-thinking thier ways?

Funny how the people from the U.S.A. seem to think that Al Jazeera is anti-U.S.A. and the people from hard-line islamic countries seem to think that Al Jazeera is pro-U.S.A. Classic. I am sure that both the Mexicans and the Canadians prefer to get thier news from non-U.S.A. sources as well.

Whoa there!!! Let's not just lob the EU in there. Austria is a declared neutral country that can no longer go to war without a majority referendum. I don't spot any French, Italian, German, Swedish, Greek or Danish forces amongst those two carriers. I think you may find that the EU is a bit more sceptical about

I fully agree!!!!!

Fundamentalists don't get scared by dick swinging; they just get more hyped up about having a pissing contest.

Oh, the idiocy continues on both sides of the religious fence I see. Sigh, pity we can't export all of the war mongers to another planet. No radicals left would mean that the rest of us could actually sit down and try and solve some of the real problems rather than walking around swinging our battle groups (read

Yes, sorry I should have prefixed with a Sarcasm Tag.

You don't see many re-enactments of atomic bombs or monks setting themselves on fire. Sorry, but I think this is amazing work. If you don't like them, it is not like she has destroyed the orriginals.

I think both sides, both Palestine and Isreal are just as guilty of murdering people. I also cannot understand why the U.S.A. government seems to support a blind eye to the Isreal activities. This is not equal treatment. What does the U.S.A. have against the Palestinians?