Colin Wheeler

I fully agree!!!!!

Fundamentalists don't get scared by dick swinging; they just get more hyped up about having a pissing contest.

Oh, the idiocy continues on both sides of the religious fence I see. Sigh, pity we can't export all of the war mongers to another planet. No radicals left would mean that the rest of us could actually sit down and try and solve some of the real problems rather than walking around swinging our battle groups (read

Yes, sorry I should have prefixed with a Sarcasm Tag.

You don't see many re-enactments of atomic bombs or monks setting themselves on fire. Sorry, but I think this is amazing work. If you don't like them, it is not like she has destroyed the orriginals.

I think both sides, both Palestine and Isreal are just as guilty of murdering people. I also cannot understand why the U.S.A. government seems to support a blind eye to the Isreal activities. This is not equal treatment. What does the U.S.A. have against the Palestinians?

Wow, that sounds horribly unsustainable to be using so many CDs. It is a shame that people have not switched to USB keys to transfer data and removable HDDs to do back-ups, or cloud or network drives. CDs just ruin the environment, are expensive for the storage capacity and are beaten hands down by just about

It is not access to the Internet that is a human right, but rather the access to information that is a human right. By removing somebody's access to the Internet you are impeding their human right to access to information. That is what the UN has agreed. Pretty much end of debate. Governments cannot ban people

It would be really cool if you guys could offer this as a iCal format, pretty please.

Yes, just a pity that the ethics division of those same organisations did not seem to be working and they still forbid the common man to learn how to read and write for many years. I still like to call those times "Dark".

"Religion is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems, and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values."

The problem here is not people who are willing to understand and debate getting into a tussle. The problem here is that "God" as you phrase it, is a loaded word for Christians. I doubt that you would find huge amounts of intelligent people that told you that there was no higher power and they could prove it. Who

Let the 5 die, that way you get rid of four more idiots that decided to walk on dangerous train tracks without taking simple precautions than the other option. Considder it doing Darwin's work.

So, I take it that none of the rest of you are surprised either? It is a real shock, no? I don't suppose somebody wants to tell him that he is screwed right along with all the rest of us?

Yes, because they liked to use full body x-ray machines in 2001 and they had so many special searches for anybody not travelling on a U.S.A. Passport. Obviously it is worse than it was in 2001. You should try actually going to an airport again sometime this decade. :-)

I would imagine that good quality speakers are generally too heavy for this sort of treament.

I think really he just wanted to find somewhere to complain about the limitation on posting length and this seemed like a good spot.

Don't worry folks, here in Switzerland we will continue to pump more money per capita into R&D, medical and otherwise than any other country on the planet. Don't fret, you guys in the U.S.A. can kick back and produce celebrities and we will take care of the scientific work. :-P

Don't worry, us people on the other side of the Atlantic are going to go to our respective countries or unions (Swiss and EU) and sue the arse out of Google so hard that they wish that they were back in their parents’ garage, or where ever they started the business, for this sort of invasion of privacy. After a while

And we won't mention that they have been making buildings like that in Europe before they even landed in America. ;-)