Colin Wheeler

@triplecheeseburger: @triplecheeseburger: "Finland doesn't even have an army." Seriously, a country where 8% of the population are either professional soldiers or reservists and you think they don't have an army. Yes, I want to continue with comparisons, especially if you are going to be the competition that I find

@triplecheeseburger: "Finland doesn't even have an army." Seriously, a country where 8% of the population are either professional soldiers or reservists and you think they don't have an army. Yes, I want to continue with comparisons, especially if you are going to be the competition that I find myself arguing with.

Just to finish off any pedantic comments I may have made about this article, it is called "the Internet". It is a proper noun as there is only one Internet, that is why we say "the" Internet.

@Einbrecher: Seriously? If you are denied access to all communications technology, would you considder that a violation of your freedom of speach? I mean if you did not have access to any communications technology, you would only be able to speak to people face to face right? Okay, now who are you to decide which

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Communication luxury? Like freedome of speach? You are right, personally I don't know why on earth people are allowed to sprout $%£" like this.

@spyderr0de0: I don't suppose that you have thought about therapy of some sort? I mean if your first criticism that you can come up with about the Internet is child pornography? Get some help, please now, before it is too late, and promise that you will never actually ben involved in any child's life in any way,

@2 replies: Finland, one of the countries in the world with the highest life style indexes in the world believed so hard that Internet access is basic human right that they signed it into thier consistution! It is the the basic right to freedom of access to information and communication.

@Whitson Gordon: I think the practice that ScottKillen is mentioning is that of trying to install in the root of the C: drive.

@Whitson Gordon: Thanks for the help but still even trying it again and typing the reg number in multiple times, it still does not register. It says it is registered and then restarts but when I run the programme again, it just states that it is still unregistered.

It did not even offer me a free version but rather wanted me to pay 29US for the software! What a scam!

Wow, as usual a balanced responce from the UK about something new that has not even been released yet and as usual I am glad to see that the environuts over at Treehugger are the ones to lead us on our technological discovery because as we all know, they know all about technology.

Gives you a pretty good idea about how underpowered the PS3 was. :-D

@Odin: Actually, I am entitled to receive TV and radio signals in the UK....or am I missing a point here? I mean, that what was in the law as far as I understand it.

@synchronicityii: I would say that the chances are not good. Licensing of that sort of event proclude this sort of distribution. iPlayer only has a limited sub-set of all the content that they carry.

@kejoxen: Only if they got full access to all the content I suspect, not the limited access offered by iPlayer.

@Odin: Um, you guys? I may be resident in the "frustrating alpine democracy" but I did actually pay a full year of UK TV license before I left so imagine how frustrating it is that I can't access that programming that I paid for!

Typical idiots that can't just release the IP restrictions that they currently have on the perfectly good web client, they first have to get into bed with Steve.

I like a man who puts a lot of effort into an intelligent revenge. This guy deserves a medal!

Bloody hell, I sure am glad it was not those naughty naughty Hindus or Occultists that used the hexagram ([] as a dirty joke on Iran to push some religeous nuttery!

@alex-y: Well hell, honestly though, if everybody stops breeding, perhaps I can live forever, or do other people really think that thier children are more important than me?