I don't believe it...
I don't believe it...
With that wing and aero kit, this might be the first Camry that is actually "grounded to the ground"
Can I... can I drive it?
Before the Buzz Killingtons of Jalop show up, I want to take a moment to applaud this effort.
This is more of an aggressive commute than a race.
This gave me goosebumps to read about. I admire the hell out of this guy. I'm sure the safety brigade will show up soon to crap all over him, but I think what he did was awesome.
He's a tall, lanky Southerner with a penchant for cars, and, of all things, lizards. He has a polite face and an…
Yes. Yes you can. Particularly when its some strange, color-shifting monstrosity that looks like it came out of a Hollywood B-Movie horror film.
Iran’s onetime national car, the Paykan, is making a comeback. Not that many people are especially interested in driving it again, with its manual steering and gearshift, rough ride and omnipresent gasoline vapors.
As a MadzaSpeed3 owner, that first pic is AWESOME!
At least 2 of those better be Mazdaspeed.
Well, it appears that Mazda likes stanced cars.
The GE Product #2567 Dual Sided Refrigerator. It is most reliable.