
I'll give it a shot if only becuase none of the reviews suggest the film falls into the same old video game to movie tropes - Cheesy dialogue, over the top, cheesy action pieces trying to be stylish with their overuse of slo-mo and piss poor acting. I'll go in with the expectation it is laying the ground work for

This tells me then that Apocalypse is not as bad as The Last Stand (at least according to you guys) as some people are making it out to be.

So you guys gave it a B, the community gave it a C. I'm inclined to put more faith in that as opposed to IGN and their 3.8…out of 10.

"I shouldn't be this honest."

Roleplay nights with her and her s/o must be pretty interesting!

As if films would deliberately have characters with such on the nose names. Come on now! This is Hollywood we're talking about here. They don't let just any hack write these things!

At first I thought this was going to be a somewhat uplifting film about this guy's life and then nope! They bust out the big guns quite literally. I hadn't heard of this before but I'll definitely maybe go see it.

There's a few things I could think of that I can't really stand. One that comes to mind after seeing someone else mention it is Terrence Malick films. They are to film what coffee table books are to uhh…coffee tables. Overstuffed, often a little too long, but full of beautiful photography but lacking real substance.

My sister in laws husband, an annoying know it all with an opinion on everything who has never read a book since high school or an article that wasn't about video games or cars kept bugging me weeks on end to watch Super Troopers. I gave it 45 minutes. When I didn't laugh once I shut it off, mentally punched him in

Yeah but it would need to be called something like "Kill Zone 2 : Back in the Zone!" or "Kill Zone 2: End Zone".

I always thought a Fish Called Wanda was a bittersweet, cautionary tale about a Beta named Wanda who tried everything she could to extend her life expectancy past 2 years but ultimately ended up hurting those around her the most and died sad, alone and full of ick.

Any level based around water.

I find it funny that you complain about the trailer spoiling an unrevealed part yet you spoiled it yourself in the headline.

Better than erm…crossing the streams.

It's funny - I keep forgetting there *is* a villain in this installment. I keep thinking the story is all about answering to a higher power, no vigilantism, etc. So the idea that the villain isn't a memorable one to me anyways is fine. Of course, why have one in the first place if that's the case.

I'd rather see Ninja Gaiden :(

Touching on the Flash for a minute - When Zoom said he brought one world to it's knees and he takes off for the other Earth was I the only one thinking "huh? When did this jackass bring Earth 2 to it's knees? Hasn't he just been terrorizing the city?" Nowhere did the show allude to what chaos he has caused on Earth 2

They need to do a reboot on Arrow. Shit, just have Oliver pass the torch to every other person on his team, kill off Robert in Earth 2 and have Earth 1 Oliver go there to pick up the mantle via Cisco opening a breach because they need the Green Arrow or something. I don't know. I'm making this up as I go. Either way,

I think this show would be much better if they didn't make up the story as they went along and they got rid of Ciara Renee as Hawkgirl and whoever plays Jax. Let's be honest - Their acting leaves a lot to be desired. Yeah Wentworth Miller hams it up as does Dominic Purcell but they're entertaining. The other 2? Meh.

I actually found this episode to be one of the strongest of the current season. One of the things I wish the writers of this and The Flash would realize is that they can spare us the throwaway villains and trust their audience to be engaged by the story and just letting the characters react to the dramatic moments.