I find what Texas did to be more offensive than what Grenier did. Not to mention a lot more emotionally manipulative.
I find what Texas did to be more offensive than what Grenier did. Not to mention a lot more emotionally manipulative.
Probably. I think it's safe to say you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
- Tara Reid of 1999 after time travelling to the future and seeing where her career is now.
I'd really like to see them drag Alexandria out a decent bit of time. I have a feeling at the end of the season they're going to introduce Neegan unless I haven't read enough spoilers from the comics and there's another antagonist/situation that rears it's ugly head before Neegan arrives. I just want to see more of…
Man…I would eat up Hannibal news all day if I could. But this is slightly depressing. Depressing in a first world issues kind of way of course because let's face it, it's a fucking T.V show. Still, waiting until summer? I can't stomach it. I'm hungry for more!
I enjoyed Gone Girl but part of it felt like a borderline made for TV movie and NPH acting in it wasn't all that spectacular.
One appeals to Wal-Mart shoppers, the other to pretentious, patched sweater wearing white people?
So…They're full of kittens, porn AND they're bad for the environment? No thanks. I'll pass.
Is this going to be a prequel to the remake or a standalone prequel? Does this question even make sense?
I don't give a Pratt's ass who they cast, as long as the director is good. This sounds like it could actually work.
I really feel that had the Germans won, Nicki Minaj's music video would have been lauded by critics and we wouldn't have to put up with articles about her and her half-baked apology.
There's a Reich way and a wrong way of doing things. Unfortunately she chose the Reich way.
I wish I could say Hannibal had something to do with this but alas, it did not :(. At least it's back for season 3!
I live in Oregon and I approve of John Oliver's parody.