
Probably has something to do with the fact that they turned a $60 game into a $140 one with 3 expansions. Who fuckin thought that would work again?

It’s my favorite game that I quit a long time ago because of the community. 

Could that guy be holding anymore beer?

lol what are you going off about. Apple has nothing to do with what products Adobe releases on the iPad. This article is about Adobe.

Pretty sure it’s more about the child endangerment then the actual theft; I suspect those machines are insured to hell and back.

I bought Destiny 2 at launch and.... never again. This fucking game will never get re-installed, I’ll not pay for the expansions given how absolute shit the game was before them and even if I were to get the expansions for free I’ll never forgive them for XP throttling when I DID play.

I’m kinda happy about the pricing-- it’s an incentive to not dump any more money into Destiny. 

All you need to know is that destiny is a shell game, they intentionally release a flawed product so that they can get credit for ‘fixing it’ later, with one of the most anti consumer dlc pricing models still around.

You’re going to want to play MH:W. It cuts down on a lot of tedious aspects from the previous games. That said, if you really click with MH:W and then go to MHGU, you’ll have to remember that it’s an older generation game but it has so many more options as far as monsters, weapons, and styles.

I was going to stick with guild, but I tried out valor after watching a vid, and holy shit... All I can say is it’s going to be real hard going back to World GS after this. 

To make a long story short, you can control all of the things you just said you can’t.

This is the most solo friendly Monster Hunter in the entire history of the franchise. What is so hard that you can’t solo it with the right gear and knowing how the monster moves?

Nothing about ecliptic meteor is luck.

I think Jason/Kirk/Maddy’s comments on last week’s Splitscreen touched on this pretty well. They had a lot to say, but one of the things that stuck with me is that it is just such a taboo thing that nobody ever even thinks to look for it. Like, of course it caught them off guard because why would anybody ever