
“Hey, we don’t know what the issue is yet, but those players should’ve seen each other! We’re looking into it.”

Yeah, and it’d be one thing if they just wanted to leave an aura of mystery (which is totally cool) but this is a feature that they’ve directly promised on several occasions. It’s totally understandable if they had to remove it for one reason or another — game development is a fluid, iterative process! — but people

There is no reasoning with these people, they will throw logic out the door before considering they were lied to.

The coyness of them in the multiplayer regard is the one true mark I’d put against them as a whole. I can accept delays and some lack of communication, being a small team, but this is a simple question of “is this even a feature of your game or not?” and the fact they continuously evade the question and leave it for

Is it, though? Seems more like a functional thing, given that you can pause the game so regions of the galaxy are clearly instanced. And if it’s a server issue, why wouldn’t they just say so?

Now playing

Timestamped the important quote where Sean Murray ... literally lies about the game? Shame. :(

I can see the fedora in this post...

But in the end you may end up having fun. Remember when games were fun?

Somehow this will end up being your fault