
A strange case where production version is more attractive than the concept/show release model.

This is weird. In any electric car I’ve driven, A/C and Heat use make you lose quite a bit of range. This looks like it would be hot in the summer, and colder in the winter.

It´s summer here! Clearwater Beach FL - high was 87 F yesterday, went swimming in the Gulf of Mexico - looked like spring break as everyone had the same idea.

Preach on Fuzzy - we’re with you!

I want this T-shirt!

I’m here in Central FL. Sticker on the car was $25,900 but end of year blah blah blah and all that.

Brand new (year end clearance) 2015 Model II, classic silver - and at quite a deal $17,899. There is something about this car I can’t put a finger on, it’s just so smooth...

Well fellow Jalops, I just bought a Prius. That’s right, the most reviled car on the site. ... and I love driving it. There. I. Said. It.

... Wow, fun killed. Like she’s dead inside.

NP, I’d buy it just to Roll Coal at some Bro Truck.

The funny part is not Danica, it’s Kim. Kim Coon. Coon.

Free Manicures made my wife smile right into new a Toyota, that, plus the great restaurant they have in the dealership. Of course over $7,000 off sticker due to end of year helped.

Gribbler in 1990 - “we wont EVER use more that 640k of memory”

Fairlady she is! NP