Occam's razor scooter

Gronk, on the other hand, loved it!

And other times you can see a wife-beater right through a uniform

I’m pretty sure Ivanka is the one he feels privately

Obviously Raptors can’t shoot with those tiny arms.

Worse still, it’s an Access Hollywood bus.

I’m guessing it’s because they had no real alternatives in Congress, and very few options in state governors. The Democratic party, Obama aside, doesn’t really have a “likable”, “electable” candidate option sitting in the ranks other than Corey Booker, and he’s still too young and inexperienced to win a general

Posted this over at the slot, and I will repost it here:

Wooden Clubs? Typical pussy libtard, trying to take away our guns. Fucking commie. Move to Canada and play pussyball you hippy.

“Trump is the very embodiment of the rich, white factory owners who left these people behind.”

I don’t always agree with your opinions but I think this is dead on.

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

Good Afternoon,

The lowest hanging fruit would be a joke about her tits.

Well she is the 1%, so...

“Pffftt! Try catching a catfish.”

Angela’s the boss. Ppl forget that.

Dr. Schwarzenegger claimed it was not a tumor. Sad.

I smoked a 12 lb USDA Prime brisket earlier this year. Smoked it for 18 hours and it came out amazing. I’ll be talking about that brisket on my deathbed.

I’m going to bring so many jobs back, you won’t believe it. You’re going to say, “Mr. Trump, please stop bringing all these jobs, we’ve got so many jobs, we can’t handle any more jobs.” I’m going to make Apple and all these other great companies, wonderful companies, make their products right here in America. It’s

Baby Got BAC