My best friend lives in Israel and converted to straight up Orthodox Jew. He’s going to reap the whirlwind, I can feel it. Shit’s about to go down on a global scale.
My best friend lives in Israel and converted to straight up Orthodox Jew. He’s going to reap the whirlwind, I can feel it. Shit’s about to go down on a global scale.
To that fuckstick who wants to “reign in science”... can’t wait for you to need a new liver or heart to survive.
Look at this fucking chotch ball.
Douche bag rip-off artist a coke head-wife beater? No shit!
God that skin is sagging so much. I bet it’s trying to remove itself from her hollowed shell and gtfo.
You think his kids have any say? He’s a psychopath. He doesn’t listen to anyone or anything else aside from his fragile ego.
Fuck. These people deserve to die. Fuck this country. The girl confessed and she’s getting 15 years? I’ll fucking put a bullet in her head right now, free of charge.
So was Michael Jackson able to bleach his DNA to white? Why do these kids think they’re really his?
Wait a minute, fuck this chick. It’s not like minorities weren’t invited. Why didn’t she see more minorities? They didn’t give a fuck, obviously. Just like they didn’t get out to vote.
These are a joke. Trump doesn’t have to release shit.
Boy how wrong you are. He’s going to make himself a fuck ton of money. Why give it up? On top of that, his ego won’t let him quit. What fucking planet are you on?
I wonder how many of these women voted for stein or “what is Aleppo” Johnson?
Burn the fucker down. D.C. Needs to be washed away in a tidal wave of blood. This country is no long for the people and by the people. Patriots fought against tyranny. We are the new patriots.
Shut the fuck up, all you people commenting. Did you get out and vote? Vote for Hillary? You fucks who didn’t brought this upon us.
I actually don’t care. Movie studios these days are releasing one garbage movie after another. I’m not going to spend my hard earned money on a movie I’ll walk out hating.
Our politicians are all crooks. This country needs a revolution and public executions are well deserved.
This is fantastic. The old racists who voted for trump will lose their assisted benefits and die off due to their stupidity.
4chan story is bull shit but Ben smith published slander.
Sue Ben smith. This intel report was bullshit to begin with. He deserves to be out on the street from this witch hunt.
Give these robbers some medals. Nothing makes me happier knowing that kik kardashian suffered due to her quest for popularity and celebrity.