
I am/was firmly on the team that she needed to step down, but writing an entire eulogy about her life’s work that basically shits on her for the last year-ish of her time on Capitol Hill is distasteful. This woman dedicated her life to public service, did more to further democratic causes than most of us will ever do,

It’s really unfortunate that a woman who authored the Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 will be remembered for aging so ungracefully out of government.”

{long slow fart sound}

In a year not a single person will care about the last few months of her time in the Senate; that less than a quarter of the words here are

Dawson’s Creek was an interesting one because (at least from my memories of junior high) it sold itself unapologetically as melodrama for teens - boys as well as girls. It never presented itself as genre entertainment like Buffy or family entertainment like 7th Heaven. If anything, it filled the niche that Beverly

Those who don’t follow Hollywood closely may find the effusive praise surprising.

I saw one trailer and dismissed it as a Skyline/Battle Los Angeles-esque epic-on-a-budget movie. I thought Rogue One and Edwards’ Godzilla were both fine, but heavily flawed, so I really had no interest in this movie. Reading this has definitely piqued my interest.

Everyone involved in Reality TV is a villain.

I watched “Moonfall” for some reason and it is the dumbest movie ever made. Somwhow much dumber than “Armageddon,” which I actually saw in a theater.

Has she had a single good experience in her whole career? I know these excerpts are trending to the more dramatic stuff to increase interest in the book, but I’m starting to wonder.

Yeah, the umbrage at Reitman’s comment seems unfair.  It’d be one thing if there was some big, or even very vocal, contingent of GB fans who really liked the 2016 movie. But that doesn’t seem to be the case, unless they’re out there and I’m not seeing them.

GB:A wasn’t much better of a movie, but it certainly had the

Most likely he got immunoglobulin (IVIG) infusions since that’s a thing that actually exists and can be used to treat GBS, as opposed to “immuno-hemoglobin” which is not.

I’ve seen the theatrical version, and I’ve seen the extended version. The cuts did not make an already bad movie worse. The extended version doesn’t add anything except running time.

The cast was the best part of the movie and they deserved better than their treatment and the film we all got.  

Ghostbusters 2016 was a bad movie and a few deleted scenes would not have changed that.  

wow this is thrilling, please post more stories about song titles

This list is a joke.

Hux just whines a lot and Phasma does literally nothing other than berate one stormtrooper and die a couple of times.

So, is anyone else experiencing this website’s exciting new level of jank where the “Load more comments” button on articles does absolutely nothing?

People who drag unknowing others into the closet with them are a whirlwind of toxicity. It isn’t just the sheer mindfuck of your reality being turned on its head when that person comes out - it’s all of the mindfuckery that precedes it: the projection, the gaslighting, the lack of emotional presence, the general cloud

From a few years back:

This struck me as... profoundly delusional and kind of the embodiment of the very worst parts of today’s queer culture. You fell in love with a man, married him, decided to write a book about pioneering women in sports who largely happened to be gay. All good! Love that.