
It feels like the author’s expectation that he would love this movie is at war with his actual experience of seeing it.  The word “but” appears 17 times in this review, and almost every sentence careens back and forth between the author saying, “This is bad, but maybe it’s OK, but maybe it’s not.”

Sad to say but, Teckle was NOT “only a danger to himself”. He was shooting INTO NEIGHBORS’ APARTMENTS & OUT HIS OPEN WINDOW. Plenty of people in Minneapolis—-& around the country—-are being shot, seriously injured and even dying due to “stray bullets” that were NOT “aimed at them”.

The guy almost killed two children (who are black according to their mother) and now he’s being treated like a martyr. And people wonder why BLM is rapidly losing all credibility? Here’s a video of the children’s’ mother angry with the protestors.

Firstly, it’s sad when anyone is killed. And I feel bad for his family.

I remember a pathologist telling me around 1990 that when he learned about pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in training years before he thought “I’ll never need to know this.”

The reaction to Will as a health risk by his colleagues is also accurate for the time”

I think it’s more that nobody is ever going to mistake those two for the AV Club greats. I mean, seriously - have either ever contributed a genuinely good article to this site?

What I want to know is who the fuck Hands Clean was about. It was based on a “relationship” that fourteen year-old Morrissette had with a music executive and, from what she said a few years ago, took her years of therapy to realise was statutory rape.  

I mean, he’s like 14 and in high school in the 80s. The gay kids at my high school more than twenty years later (but still pre-Massachusetts) were still like 95% closeted. We had a handful of extremely extroverted guys (and no women as I can recall) who were out, and not treated very badly, but the situation even then

Also I doubt very much that this author was alive in the90s

It was a small beat but I enjoyed Karen shutting down Dev’s BS about “no titles, everyone has a voice” as a way to pretend he doesn’t call the shots.

That age range is super fucked up but 18 isn’t a child, come on.

He’s not just Stalker Danny anymore. Now he’s Pill=Poppin’ Stalker Danny. Too bad he managed to patch that hole in his glove.

Nah— in Canada you have to convert to metric units first and then give your solution in mangled French.

Deliberately causing a brown-out or black-out to spite politicians is one of the worst ideas I’ve heard this week. I’m old enough to remember the Chicago heat waves when so, so many people died, most of them poor and/or elderly. Politicians in Texas (and elsewhere) don’t give a shit about people dying.

Balance of Terror is a classic and ranks much higher than “City...” in terms of pacing and suspense.

Balance of Terror is in most ST fans Top 5 episodes of TOS.

I would be okay with that, or at least a ten minute credit sequence where we know what happens to all the characters. I really want to know, for instance, how Nancy leverages her sharp shooting, monster hunting skills into a career.

I get what you are saying, but an accurate portrayal of depression isn’t really entertainment. It oscillates between really dull, very scary (not in the good way), and depressing. It might be good for a documentary or Oscar Bait, but it would not have fit in well with the tone of the rest of the show. Creators often

I read her “confession” that she let Billy die as her just indulging the darkest part of her self in order to lure Vecna out, not her “secret true feelings”. She may be revisiting feelings she’d felt in the depths of her depression, but I didn’t get the feeling we were meant to think she actually wanted to die at that