
I’d give anything for y’all to assign a Borderlands review to someone who actually enjoys the series, or at least enjoys scatological humor. Every reviewer y’all line up to play a Borderlands game (including Ethan’s earlier review round-up) always makes sure to note their highbrow-disdain for the pee-pee poo-poo humor


How does PS Now stack up to xbox Gamepass?

Sony has been killing it lately; when it come to shitting bed...

If you’re going to quote me, use the entire statement, including the part about mediation and resolution.  People are complicated.  What may offend one person may not be a big deal for someone else.  If someone is offended, they should have a way to make their thoughts known to others.

Content Warning: Clickbait

I’m going to remain skeptical on this one, based on the only two examples given without the surrounding context.

Took the words outta my mouth. ActiBlizz this is not. Not that the article is saying that, but it’s almost written in a way where it’s equally comparing the two on level ground.

Maybe there’s more to it, but based on what’s written here, on a scale from 1 to “button under your desk that locks the door,” this is a 1. Words having meaning, but you also have to factor in intent when determining how egregious something is. Are we really to the point where we’re doing this middle school

I absolutely respect why content warnings exist, but in a story like this, where it’s just mentioned as a plot point and not described in any way, doesn’t the content warning have the same amount of triggering content as the actual article? Does the warning help? 

Nothing about this story actually exhibits any toxic behavior though. I work at a small game company, and have worked at several before, and people always joke in a similar matter. If it goes too far and people recognize that then it’s stopped. The kind of “chats” listed above are out of context and could easily be

“wHo’s nOt aLwAyS OnLiNe tHeSe dAyS AnYwAy?”

I play Forza Horizon without an internet connection regularly. Of course multiplayer events don’t work, but apart from that the full game is there and playable.

So where are all the people handwaving the the always-online single player requirement because “who doesn’t have a stable internet connection today?”

You’re going to do another article about how they ruined the economy, right?

People love to hate this game but I’m excited to be playing it on my PS5 in 4k. Last night I spent most of my time cruising around picking up random new players and causing mayhem by letting them drive all of my cars and planes. I thought splitting the player base between generations was going to suck but it honestly

Good! Sony should just down their toxic California offices immediately.

Everything announced worth caring about is coming to Xbox.

Amazingly it’s just The Cowabunga Collection.