
Yeah you’d have to basically never update your game and always play if offline to keep the radio intact. Unfortunately doing that ensures you never play the online portion again

Same happened to me pretty much. I worked at Gamestop back in 2013 and a dude robbed us on my first day on the job. Within the first hour at that. It was just me and one other guy there. That shit was nerve wrecking to say the least.

Say that to someone’s face without hiding behind a keyboard pussy

Yeah I know what you mean. I was 12. I still remember seeing things i wish i hadn't seen. Its burned into my brain. It really pisses me off how dismissive and shitty people are. I guess 20 years is enough time for people to start being insensitive pricks about it too unfortunately. And if you dont like people saying

Swe how sad the discourse is now? Can you actually believe the democrats slogan last election was Love trumps hate? They all act like they're so accepting of everyone and Republicans are just a bunch of racist shitty dirtbags or something, yet look at these comments and simply tell me which one is fueled by hate

See how every beta male bitch had something to say to you because you didn’t agree with them that millions apparently deserved to die because of whatever warped bs they read on the internet? Its pathetic that anyone will think that 911 was justifiable. But the older we get and have folks who were never born yet or

No he is not. Fuck you

Sucks for you man. Everything I want to play is on PC, Xbox and Switch even though I have a PS4. I just cant think of anything exclusive to Playstation the rest of this year that I want to play. Nintendo has a few. But most of my friends are on xbox so that’s where the multiplatform games go for me. Hopefully

Yeah I feel so ripped off having my xbox live gold and gamepass included for $1 lol. Even at $15 a month you’re overall paying less. There’s so many games I wanted to try forever but not blow $15 or $20 on it and gamepass has been the answer. Hell I was even holding out on Devil May Cry 5 and guess what, they added it

Bingo. Nobody sees the double standard. I can’t believe how many people on here support talking shit and making blanket statements about all men. Don’t let those idiots represent me. I’ve never once said anything or done anything that would be considered harassment and been nothing but respectful to everyone I meet.

Me and my buddies have played and followed the series for 13 years now and don’t intend to stop anytime soon

I’m down. It has what I’m looking for in a star wars game and that’s enough for me. Not everything has to be a ground breaking new gaming experience in order for me to enjoy it. I'm also not going to base the entire game on a 10 min video.....

Word around the campfire is that a new Fable will finally be announced. And apparently Rare is rebooting Perfect Dark and thethe new battletoads will be out this year. I’m thinking most of the new games being developed by these newly acquired studios are going to be released on the next gen Xbox but we’ll get titles

Imo it does. You can customize your vehicle with all sorts of weapons and build a badass vehicle that fits your playstyle. 

It’s in the prologue in the story mode too.

Yup exactly. They don’t get clicks or attention off of a normal report though so they have to drum up “controversy” to get people clicking on their articles. It’s exactly what’s wrong with journalism today. Focus on one thing and blow it up to get attention cause that’s more important than journalistic integrity I gues

Not really 

Well I can’t play it now. I have data caps and slow internet. I downloaded at a friend’s house over the weekend cause of that. I knew there’d be an update today but damn. This shits getting ridiculous. And trust me I’d throw $100 a month at a good ISP if I could get one. I live in rural Texas though and I’ve called eve

Folks live in an instant gratification world now....

Exactly. It’s how kotaku works. They gotta create controversy so that they can write up a huge piece like what Jason did. Call it journalism. Then in the review bring it back up so they can conveniently put a link back to that drummed up article for more clicks and exposure. The old Kotaku didn’t function and rely on o