
Well between Xbox Live and PSN it’s 9 times out of 10 PSN that’s down unfortunately

It’s not all of America. Just Flint Michigan where this disaster has been going on for over a year

It was on GwG a couple years ago

I love this game cause moments like this. It’s just a breathtaking game all around. Fun gameplay too....

Isn’t COD the same way? $50 for JUST maps.....

I specifically remember that scene. It’s near the beginning of the movie after the camp is raided and BB8 goes off in the distance at night

Never happened to me either man. Some people just love to jump on the hatewagon

You seem a bit butthurt by this Jason....take a lude or something

So where’s all the pitchforks and bitching about platform exclusivity? Cause if it were the other way around and Microsoft got something that Sony didn’t there’d be articles and comments about exclusive dlc being “bullshit” right? Double standard man.....

I can definitely confirm Ubisoft lost a sale on Syndicate with me. I gave up after playing Unity and I couldn’t even finish Unity I found it so boring. Rouge was excellent though. They definitely need to take a break to refocus. And Watch Dogs 2? Ugh, the first one was hyped so much and fell flat on its face. Me and

The last one was really just introducing us to Lara. Now that her character is established the story just takes off from beginning to end. And the big thing is now you actually explore way more tombs. The combat is more in depth cause you can craft more weapons and traps on the fly. The environment is way better, more

I got this game for Christmas and can’t put it down. It’s such an improvement over the last game which was great itself. I can’t wait to try this mode out....

You can jump into the new movie without the prequels. Thankfully

Hell yes! I can’t wait. I’ve wanted to play this since I first saw it...

If that’s the biggest of your issues with the system then what’s the big deal?

Actually all my friends saw through the marketing bs and we all went out and got Xbox Ones at launch. So we’re all sitting pretty enjoying everything that’s come out recently together.....we know how to research lol

Fallout 4....finally on the horizon.....can’t wait to finally have my hands on my Pip Boy.....

So glad I waited to get a PS4. Now there’s a bundle that I can’t wait to get.

Well, I don’t want it now. Thanks for the heads up. My hype for this game literally dropped now....

I almost never have issues with the game. Just got off from playing multiplayer with my best friend actually...