
But that’s just the problem - I understand WHY people claim it’s not a double standard because of historical oppression.... but it’s kind of ridiculous to give one group a pass to say whatever they want about another group when they’re upset because of historical oppression. How is that a functional way to move

So if you’re frustrated with a woman taking advantage of you or doing something awful, it’s acceptable to just say “women are trash”?

Given that it seems the statement was borne out of frustration, it really feels as though Razer’s response was disproportionate...

Hmn. Spouses can’t be compelled to testify against each other...

There should be a Patreon to have David do all of Snakes lines in Metal Gear Solid 5 and have it be a mod.

Now playing

I guess we know why he’s so dummy thicc

The game may or may not ever actually come out as such, but Star Citizen’s ship design is on point.

A lot of it is the lighting. And the lighting in these pieces is definitely on point.

Are they dead now?

They cryin’ now.

They won’t laugh again....

As one of the twelve other people on the planet in the cross-section of Animal Crossing lovers and Travis Scott diehards -- thank you :)

I do find it amusing that somehow lifting the dialog audio was a no-no, but lifting all of the dialog text is somehow not.

It also seems to be a ton of effort to re-record tens of thousands of lines of dialog, as opposed to just leaving it silent, and either making or having the “community” make a simple tool that will


Yeah, but then you would be one of those weirdo’s that talks to all their friends about emulators.

This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Captain America.  “So many people forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own.”

But there’s a problem. It’s 2018 and I don’t need or particularly want media to humanize Nazis. I acknowledge that history is complex, and I’m glad that Battlefield treats it that way. But The Last Tiger’s extraordinary production value is hell-bent on telling the tale of “the Good German” while glossing over the

You are correct in that Nazis should never ever be romanticized. That being said, just because you were in the German Army (basically forced conscription during WWII) does not mean you were a Nazi. The distinction applies to the SS. One of the best historical books that touches on this topic would be Christopher

I was trying to sell a ‘94 Protege for $400. Included like 9 pics, reiterated that it was a manual, meaning you had to shift gears yourself, it had 3 pedals, etc. along with all the other details, like the mileage, potential problems, and that yes, it HAD a fully functional AC, had 3 months left of the inspection.