
Yeah, but then you would be one of those weirdo’s that talks to all their friends about emulators.

Jesus $640 for all that is an absolutely insane price

I’m also down for George RR Martin opening a food truck with the kid who plays Hot Pie, and it becomes a reality show following their adventures selling direwolf-shaped breads and cookies...learning a bit more about themselves along the way. 

The biggest, most shocking secret of A Song of Ice and Fire?

The shocking credits sequence fades to black, and then it turns out it’s now a show about George R.R. Martin sampling food trucks in Santa Fe and his native Bayonne, NJ. “These banh mi habanero shooters could tempt even the Night King with their piquant mix of three spices!”

This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Captain America.  “So many people forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own.”

But there’s a problem. It’s 2018 and I don’t need or particularly want media to humanize Nazis. I acknowledge that history is complex, and I’m glad that Battlefield treats it that way. But The Last Tiger’s extraordinary production value is hell-bent on telling the tale of “the Good German” while glossing over the

You are correct in that Nazis should never ever be romanticized. That being said, just because you were in the German Army (basically forced conscription during WWII) does not mean you were a Nazi. The distinction applies to the SS. One of the best historical books that touches on this topic would be Christopher

I was trying to sell a ‘94 Protege for $400. Included like 9 pics, reiterated that it was a manual, meaning you had to shift gears yourself, it had 3 pedals, etc. along with all the other details, like the mileage, potential problems, and that yes, it HAD a fully functional AC, had 3 months left of the inspection.

Probably has something to do with the fact that they turned a $60 game into a $140 one with 3 expansions. Who fuckin thought that would work again?

Friendly reminder that not everyone wants to deal with your nerd box.

Yeah, I’m Team Pete on this one. He was doing a promo for Saturday Night Live, for fuck’s sake, which is a COMEDY SKETCH SHOW. Ariana Grande’s response was stupidly immature. Quite frankly, I give massive side-eye to anyone who airs their personal issues on a public forum, whether or not they’re a celebrity. The whole

I really need to stop spending money on stupid shit and Shep McAllister is not helping.

I really need to stop spending money on stupid shit and Shep McAllister is not helping.

My list would include Suikoden 1-2, Lunar 1-2, SaGa Frontier, Xenogears, Final Fantasy Tactics, Brave Fencer Musashi, Breath of Fire 3, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Ogre Battle, Grandia, and so on...

As a guy with a beard I have to mention that facial hair is make-up for dudes and we should be more open about that. So let he willing to shave off his facial hair to reveal his actual jawline cast the first stone.

She is everyone.

She even voices you.

Amazing Chest Ahead.

I only posted this so we’d have the gif on file.

Kenan, you’re one of my all-time faves.

According to some (admittedly, most likely incomplete) numbers I saw from SteamSpy, they actually didn’t sell like hotcakes, and in fact sold more like, uh, coldcakes.