
Yes, but deporting gang members is so much harder. I mean first you have to find them, and sometimes, they shoot back at you. It’s just so much easier and safer for ICE agents to deport people with no criminal records. Also, if you deport enough regular people without criminal records, the ones that are left will be

I have hundreds of hours in this on PC and it’s easily one of my favorite tactical shooters ever, but man... does Ubi know how to fuck things up.

If true, this would be the most Nintendo thing Nintendo has done in about 15 years.

Front toward enemy ... Back toward aesthetics.

FACT: This is perfect.

Pretty sure IRL the Patriots would get away with that.

Of course he’s white. Just a good ol’ boy born in Pennsylvania, didn’t you know?

How about someone who will treat only a part of you right then?

If you don’t play video games or keep pace with video game news, you’re not going to understand many video game comics.

Zero hour nine A.M.
And I’m gonna be high as a kite by then

And you don’t have to buy it as DLC!... Warner Bros.

Super-sonic ravens, dragons and Gendrys

  • “Do Tormund and Brienne make giant babies that take over all of Westoros?”

    This is quite literally the only thing I’m concerned with after the conversation between Tormund and The Hound.

There was so much wrong with episode...

Uh, it’s concept art. And clearly that concept just didn’t make the games.

Oooh look at the fancy man who has an oven AND a toilet. Well la ti da!

I’m leery of people who over-simplify the motivations and morality of millions of others to satisfy their internal biases.

Plot twist: It’s now gold foil for hats

“Its guuuyyyy noon.” *winks at 6 swooning dudes*

Whoa there buddy, the show is amazing but it hasn’t told a better version of his story. It has told its version. It’s butchered many characters in the process. Sansa, Arya, Cersci, Dorne and Jamie just to name a few. Hell the show is probably going to butcher handling Jon’s parentage.