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RATED! Warning: This video contains scenes of extreme freedom, democracy and liberty. It may not be suitable for viewing by inferior countries.

This deserves more praise

I was worried for your face, but then I saw it still has 1 gold ring left so you’re safe :3

Lol it seriously looks like Ornstein just won an arena tournament. The stoic ass lion face makes it so good!

Before Demon’s Souls? What a world!

Getting rid of EPA, getting rid of Department of Education, tweet something that the media will latch onto and no one will notice, it’s the best possible idea in our kept up kardashian world. he can set in motion whatever he wants and mitigate the backlash by doing something dumb.

The real argument is about a lot more, specifically if we as consumers can ever actually “own” anything anymore. You can go to a lot, buy an older, non-cpu automobile and fix/replace/improve to your heart’s content. Why can’t you with a console, which is the same kind of hardware you own when you build a PC? If

It’s a mature reading of the situation that relies on nuance to make its point.

Interesting game with some neat philosophy behind it but..

I can’t wait until developers start getting nostalgic for Mega Man X.

I also said I would kill you last. That’s still . . . up in the air.

Unfortunate, but shake the guys damn hand. He dealt with the same damage ratio that you did....

2 gets the shit end of the stick far too often, it is mechanically the most complex and involved game in the franchise and is an ARPG fan’s wet dream for a game that makes practically any build not just viable but fun. Yes, from a boss, lore, and environment design standpoint it’s the weakest entry in the series

Everything is under control and things are going to be just fine, period.

It used to be a Vius.

You’d have hoped wrong, sir.