Yeah! He actually looks like a butt!
Yeah! He actually looks like a butt!
I wouldn’t be surprised if someone figured out how to mod to work on a TV.
I agree, she seems to be in a awful place. But she is a influencer(I hate that title, sorry) and Razer has a image to maintain.
Oh poop
It looks russian AF IMO.
I got a star citizen vibe from from this.
In a attempt to steal a 10 year old boy’s picklechu, 3 team rocket members accidentally doom the world and plunge it into darkness.
The Arya Stark of Pokémons. Got it
*waits patiently jojo memes
None of this makes sense to me.
True dat.
What would snakes have to gain from two versions tho?
They kinda went over board with how hard they nerfed her. She can’t heal that well, and her ability’s have too long of cool downs now.
Damn, I haven’t seen a Wawas in forever.
Hey, if it doesn’t effect gameplay I usually don’t care.
I wish I didn’t read this but but damn if it wasn’t hilarious.
You a cop?