
A friend of mine made a good point.

Something something 1 percent control all the something something

Here’s a question I wish I would have asked in my younger days.

Now playing

Is it wrong that all I can think of is this?

Is the last one a mother fucking JoJo reference!?

I’ve always heard “RP walk” and never knew where it came from.

Really hope players get their money back.

Guess they are looking for those map pack sales(do they still do them or...?)

This seems to be in line with the free to play model(though this game cost $60 out the box)

I have the same thought everytime I see one of these videos.

It’s not zombies without Richtofen*

Holy fuck.

That’s really the problem with overwatch.


Say what!?

Wait, is it throwing 262s and 163s at you?

I’ve always hated spunk rat. He’s annoying, and a good junkrat can be a real pain.

Or do what my parents did, leave on the horror movie marathon and go get drunk.

Looks like the Big Bang is about to be more then a theory ehhhh

Well, the Mazda does seem to have a special paint job or decals or something. So that might make up for it a bit.