The only thing her rifle can’t the wound in my heart.
The only thing her rifle can’t the wound in my heart.
I’m scared
Just got this during my hangover poop
It was more of someone sticking out a bright fancy phone(which I imagine they were doing since they were trying to catch Pokemon)
Tell ya what, go to a park at 2am and wonder around for a bit with a smart phone sticking out.
I imagine they would have just shot him if they were able to get rounds on him.
I’m not saying it shouldn’t be. But a letter being sent in the mail to someone’s house is a bit different then someone being able to message anyone anywhere at any moment.
Cool, let’s shut down any discussion.
It’s just that Facebook seems like it could be perfect for this type of thing to happen on. we have a right to our privacy, but i think it differs when it comes to social media, at least slightly.
I guess if it was a private playground that no one could see.
I’m all for privacy.
I tried to adopt a corgi for so long. I finally found one in jersey(she was a long hair, not sure what the mix was)
I love how 76 has become the internet angry dad, D.Va is a gaming gremlin and Mei is straight up evil.
Damn, I’m gonna need a excuse.
4.3 cm
He looks so white.
Online lotto being a scam!?
For some reason, I haven't seen many commercials for this movie.
I’ve had a lot of people tell me “Oh, my dogs named Cody too!”