I didn’t say anything about not voting. It appears you’re a very angry person; sorry for whatever caused that in your life.
I didn’t say anything about not voting. It appears you’re a very angry person; sorry for whatever caused that in your life.
Umm, in my state PP does not perform vasectomies, they will however discuss the procedure with me and my girlfriend. Also, I didn’t make it about “my boner.” I even went so far as utilizing a footnote in my original post to state that I knew I was off base.
What about my right to govern my life as a male?* I’d enjoy having a vasectomy; will planned parenthood help me with this? No? Well why not? Shouldn’t they? I mean, it’s part of parental planning, no? So is planned parenthood now really more of a program where the board is overpaid in Manhattan, while individual…
Nah, the rest just listen to Chris Carters advice and get fall guys.
Well the paper industry as a whole is going under in the US, and has been at least since the mid to late 90's. It’s not exactly a good time to be investing in new machinery in an industry which is dying. Past that, the companies involved in paper manufacturing had invested huge amounts in buying Forrest’s for wood…
I don’t think it was really a scoop though. Isn’t this pretty much well known to everyone except kids?
I think you’re confusing things though. ‘No Tippin Pippen’ may have a nice ring to it, but Jordan is the one well known for not tipping.
Oh well the person who I know who does this never has any issue. Really, as I hear it, you only need to use one of two sites, and chrome with adblock plus.
With your broadband Internet, it is still quite easy to watch any live sports you want. Kind of a legal grey area for the viewer, and completely illegal for the person streaming, but an option all the same.
They obviously paid Tomsula to come up with the beer list. Who else considers Michelob Ultra, Corona, and Shock Top premium beer?
Perhaps you’re correct.
Oh speed limiters will be coming along with automated cars, which I suppose also do away with the need for the breathalyzers.
I can tell yours is faster; you’ve got more decals.
You may be right and I do see your point, but it’s a greater good for the population as a whole. If it had to be implemented acrossed the board in all vehicles the quality of them would hopefully increase.
Yeah the segment that can’t count past two, thus not realizing their second cousin is off limits, have some serious birth defects.
Oh come-on, 3/4's of Alabama’s population can’t count that high without taking off both socks.
Not a Packer fan but I do live in Wisconsin. With that, I’m not sure where you’re comment about not knowing where Packer fans were in the 70's & 80's, Lambeau has sold out every game since 1960. The fans were obviously there even when the team was awful.
Which is really why I’m not sure that in car breathalyzers aren’t a mandatory safety device in all vehicles. It would save so many lives and if blowing in a tube once when you start your car is too much of a hassle for you then maybe you shouldn’t be driving.
Woah... They aren’t the Browns.