Standard leftist rhetoric, but what you fail to see it that removing history is exactly the type of thing a fascist regime would do.
Standard leftist rhetoric, but what you fail to see it that removing history is exactly the type of thing a fascist regime would do.
Legitimate question here:
Came for this ^^^^^.
Perhaps it’s just because the music video is terribly generic? There’s nothing deserving of an award about it. I like the song well enough, but the video for it is boring. Just because it’s stupidly popular doesn’t mean it deserves awards.
“one endgame level features enemy placements that slam progress to an uncharacteristic halt.”
Exactly. Not only did they push that you’d be able to meet other people, but proposing that you likely wouldn’t even see them because the universe is so vast is what really makes this dreadful because after the bombshell of no multiplayer it sounds like all he’s doing is covering up that there’s no real multiplayer at…
In the run up to No Man’s Sky’s release, players wanted to know whether or not they’d be able to find other players in game. When players found out that no, in fact, they could not, they were not happy.
A very well-earned lawsuit. I remember high school football in Houston, where the coaches would hit us with 2x4's (on the pads, but still), have us practice in 100+ degree weather regularly, and give us limited water breaks (because water ain’t good for no footbaw players). The minuscule amount of concern many ADULT…
Can I just point out that none of the states closest to North Korea (except Alaska, but nobody’s going to bomb Alaska) voted for Trump? Why can’t he pick a fight with an enemy off the Eastern seaboard so that at least he’s in the kill zone
A visualization of all my friends who bought No Man’s Sky at launch:
Valve is dead as a gaming creating company
My only issue with PS4's UI is that everything is so damn slow and doesn’t work half the time. Look wise, I prefer how clean and simple it is over X1's clusterfuck of a mess. Xbox has had awful UIs since that one major 360 update spammed ads everywhere and hid the stuff you actually cared about.
If you drop a familiar person into the Xbox menu they can hardly do any one thing specific.
Hey! Maybe I’ll start using mine again. Honestly the number one reason I don’t use my Xbox1 very the god awful menu. I don’t care what the apologists say, no; it is that terrible. A menu like that has no business on a name brand product. It’s what I would expect a knock off chinese x-box menu would look…
Good, I’ll finally be able to organize all those games I have on the—oh wait, never mind.
Hey, take a chill pill bu-uddy!
I’m glad an event like this is happening but your title is misleading at best. It downplays the seriousness of climate change and makes it sound like we shouldn’t worry because somebody else in the future will take care of it.
Climate Justice Fashion Show...
The headline says the mean spirited satire doesn’t hold up but the article is about how the gameplay and level design don’t hold up.
The game’s irreverence backfires in the end, with Princess What’s-Her-Name suddenly being crushed by a cow.