It was a Randall’s I believe. If he had gone to HEB, the USSR would have applied for statehood.
It was a Randall’s I believe. If he had gone to HEB, the USSR would have applied for statehood.
I’m not here to say whether Torre is a bigot or not, Hernández may have a point in regards to white umps getting promoted. I do know that Hernández doesn’t get to work World Series games because he’s a fucking terrible umpire.
Most importantly, the pillows are back too.
This fucking dipshit is an approved commenter, and I’m not.
“While the series has existed for years in Japanese arcades, Gundum Versus was built from the ground up for console and is the first to make it to the states.”
it slowly died.
Gundam Breaker is the Gundam version of Zenoverse.
I will never understand this mindset. “Man, if only gamers had tolerated a product that didn’t meet their expectations we cold have gotten DLC.” While every criticism sure as hell isn’t valued, stop pretending that consumer desiring decent products is somehow indecent. “it was still 100% playable” Wow. Hot-damn. What…
As an American ww2 reenactor (first special service force)
Anyone who wonders why games cost $60 now, never bought games back in the SNES days when certain games were upwards of $80. :)
Throw a cap on the back and call it a Bronco
quick, someone get this guy a safe space
but you have to admit it looks way cooler.
It was already monetized with advertising on every single page. That didn’t bother me, even when it was annoying auto-playing videos - hell, almost every dollar I’ve made in the last seven years has come from advertising.
I think the reporting system wouldn’t feel quite so hopeless if you got some kind of feedback for reporting jackasses like the one described at the start of the article. A pop-up at game start saying the player you reported had been banned or muted is probably too much to hope for, but some indication that you’re not…
Why do you need a “Good” reason to play a video game?
then they’d be wrong wouldn’t they
He bought the car; it is no longer Ferrari's property.