That’s why I prefer Swat 3. imo, it’s far more deeper tactics-wise than Swat 4. Swat 3's tutorial also taught a teen codeonthis rather good tips on clearing rooms and stairs, something I was surprised to see absent in Swat 4.
That’s why I prefer Swat 3. imo, it’s far more deeper tactics-wise than Swat 4. Swat 3's tutorial also taught a teen codeonthis rather good tips on clearing rooms and stairs, something I was surprised to see absent in Swat 4.
*make your watermark bold and obnoxious
“photographer” Then they show a videographer tip
What ruined gearbox for me was killing the Brothers in Arms franchise with their Furious 4 idea, realizing that game was a bad idea and then making Battleborn from Furious 4's ashes.
Not really a tip from the inside, it’s just how most major industries work. It doesn’t detract from how this was just another way that the consumer was duped into thinking this game wasn’t all smoke and mirrors. Yet there’s still supporters who argue that the public wasn’t lead on through all this.
Plus the ‘live demos’ were also staged. Even a seemingly working copy of the game wasn’t a safe bet for this product.
No I was the one who fucked up. But misread or not, I thought to myself after, that we should still (actual) wars with respect concerning the lives lost and lived.
I kept it WW1, stay in theme!
a ghost happy halloween
lol fuck :^)
I agree. I remember thinking to myself to make the argument that WW1 is okay because they’re no longer living. Found that link and then I started thinking more about how I view the wars in a non-entertainment aspect.
Not my story but a friend of mine was the RA for filthy frank’s floor in college.
a professional writer?
Yes we all miss Tyler.
I agree, but I’m looking at this from a PR stand-point. I have an aneurysm when my boss does anything without allowing me ample time to let our customers know clearly what’s going on. Do I think they had were working diligently on MP at some time? Yes. Do I think it was cut? Yes. However, nothing was clearly sent out…