
“A smoking wreck” lmao

The horn is a great example of the Doppler effect. 

*out of breathe* Guys... I just commented on a foxtrot alpha post. What a mistake! These guys are incredibly salty because their journalists only post once a month and they are just praying an unsuspecting jalop takes a wrong turn and comments on one of their dusty old posts like I did. I warn you, don’t go over

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to express genuine curiosity on the internet these days. Otherwise, thanks for the informative answer.

Don’t shake your head at me, anonymous. I was asking a question. I think the person I asked had a pretty good answer as well.

That’s what I was thinking. Good luck catching anyone

You’re right. They’d just spend the money on anything else. If you ever have the opportunity to teach a teen about budgeting and you’re not in debt on everything do it! Home ec courses are no more, nor did they teach that anyway.

Insane right?!

You guys here about that Tiffany Li chick in california who posted her 35M dollar bail???

Can we get one post about the hennessey exorcist camaro please???

The trucks with all the lights took me to a mystical place...

I never understood why a bus carrying (40) 100lb kids needed to be 3ft off the ground and diesel... I get a banging headache from spent (on-road) diesel so I’m a little bias.

Welcome there?? It’s a racetrack... Everyone gives/gets the stank-eye in the pits. You’re first or your last, right?

three headed cobra... welp, i wasn’t afraid of snakes until now.

What are the odds of being a 4.7%’er and 2.5%’er?

These clips are becoming something only a mopar guy could love.

What is that forrrrrrrrrrrrrrr????

That’d be an awesome sleeper! I’ll be looking for you at the strip when the day comes our swaps are complete haha

I started loving mine last year. Had an 02 taco before it so I missed the truck bed often. If the old v6 ever peters out I would like to get crazy and 2jz swap it. muhaha