
Well, unfortunately I don’t have the truck anymore (RIP Tonya), but I remember it working like this; turn the vehicle to the on position, press clutch start cancel, put the vehicle in first gear, with your foot off the clutch bump or hold the starter until you are rolling again. I imagine if you were really stuck it

My 2002 tacoma had clutch start cancel. Used it a couple times for fun, but i guess it was for using the starter/battery torque to get unstuck.

oh my gawd.... what a beaut

Wait wait wait... how did they have a web address back in ‘30's?

Got whiplash riding the late bus home in the 5th grade. Those brakes worked better than I ever expected they could.

I wonder if it’s because everything is a land barge now. I’ve rode in a 200hp crx and i was ear to ear.

cant you see the wobbly front drive shaft??? AWD, of course

One of the top reasons I moved out of Syracuse. So f*cking selfish its embarrassing.

You should lease a ___________.

hehe that little peak in the roof is the perfect spot for your antenna

Honda Odyssey has a physic’s defying amount of interior room. Might be fuel efficient too. 

Or don’t drive such a generic car... I mean... Tss... This is Jalop, right?!?

Not proud of this but my dad bought a total of 3, all convertible. He claimed GM detuned them because they were whooping ass on the Vette. Could have been, anyway... they turned the engine 90deg and the headgaskets were almost impossible to change without pulling the whole thing out, and head gaskets were very much a

Great pics and write-up. I might pistol whip the next person that says PDK though...

exactly what i was thinking

I love cabovers! Especially if they have lots of chrome and a real 70's paint stripe scheme. :]

Avoids the stairs but rams through 3 walls of glass and doors. lol

I’m not anti-gun terd, but I’m glad it didn’t. It made for a rascal of a video.

Hell yea, I live dangerously and in Baltimore.

At least he got his bit in MT a couple months ago. He was talking about developing the genesis high end brand for them I believe.