WOW. This is what they think looks good? Give me the Deadmau5 458...
WOW. This is what they think looks good? Give me the Deadmau5 458...
I’m sorry, but an LS won’t fix that terd.
I’d like to add, I’ve had nothing but excellence from a couple sets of mastercrafts on my tacoma. Meaty lugs, last forever, and sound like a highway tire.
Zippers are conformists, man.
You wouldn’t know dick about how the flush went until the trans has time/miles to reprogram. No reason to drive it
I know I’m late to the party, but I thought this was rather ridiculous.
Gotta wonder how much different she flies with a 5ton weight suspended a couple hundred feet below.
Imagine sitting in the shelter listening scores of other dogs barking day and night then one day a cool lady shows up who brings you to home.... in a convertible!
The glen is awesome! I’m interested to see how the repave will change things as well.
This truck will be around 30yrs past that sweet 1/2t you find.
I was gonna say... It was known int*rnally as “The beak”
That’s what i was thinking :)
A real trailhawk would have plastic tear-off lined seats!
it’s a carbon copy... cmon guys
My old man emailed them for a quote a couple years ago for S&G’s, I believe it was >$300 large.
I concur.
Know what’s funny. Last year I happened to rewatch the episode where he was the Star/Car and he was dry as a fart. Bad call.
“My name is Rod and I like to party.”
If it can’t come pick me up, I don’t care. Heh heh