I read them obsessively in grade 6. I was probably too young to pick up on that, but I did notice some changes in attitude or manners based how long ago the book had been published.
I read them obsessively in grade 6. I was probably too young to pick up on that, but I did notice some changes in attitude or manners based how long ago the book had been published.
Hi Canada! We’re beating Russia 5-2 right now!!
Better out than in, I guess. It’s all gone down this week, and keep flipping between being fine and bursting into tears. I’ve been told it’ll come in waves.
That’s what I like about putting a limit on a series. After a while, the thing runs out of steam (except Nancy Drew, maybe.) This must be her first series with a male lead character.
so I checked it out, and I got a dapple-grey stallion! It’s not what I would’ve picked, but pretty cool. Who wouldn’t want a horse friend?
Oh yeah! Harper! I love her and her not-brother!
I’ll have to find those. What flavour of supernatural are they?
Have you read any of Charlaine Harris other series? I love love love the Shakespeare series and the one about the women who can hear the dead. (Can’t remember her name rn.)
One of the teachers at my school read it with her class last year, and they were soooo into it. Really good discussions. It even inspired one the kids from her class that I give spec. ed. support to, to get his mom to buy the sequel and keep reading. :) I love it when a book inspires or motivates!
What a great idea for a thread! Well done, you. I’m just really happy that I live in a city with so many cool things to do, and that so many flower stands still have sunflowers in season.
I’m right here with you. My 14 year relationship is on the rocks. I wasn’t expecting this, and it really sucks. You have crying jags, too?
I just remember feeling so superior to the jocks and the preps at my school because my friends and I wore our cassettes out before they even knew Nirvana existed.
I used a candle to light an alcohol burner and lit my hand, my chest, some of my hair and a desk on fire. Amazingly, I walked away with just big blisters on my hand and a singed sweater (used to smother the desk fire.)
Look at her serious little fuzzy face! Many happy snuggles to you!
I posted a few weeks ago about my partner driving our car home drunk, and being worried that he’s depressed. The crisis continues. The good news: s far as I can tell, he hasn’t driven under the influence since then. I talked to him about it. I’ve also reached out to friends, both mine for my support system, and his…
I think I’d want a dragon as my patronus, but I would probably get a rabbit. A really fierce rabbit.
yay for you!
It came out in 2013, but if you’re in Canada, it’s on netflix right now.
And fucking grilled eggplant. Oh my god. Anything but mushrooms or grilled eggplant.