Apparently Texas is going to be swallowed up by the earth, and maybe LaPierre will go with it.
Apparently Texas is going to be swallowed up by the earth, and maybe LaPierre will go with it.
Nah, they’d just get more security for congress. Their workplaces are already gun-free.
Why should they change their stance? Gun violence helps their corporate sponsors sell more guns. And clearly if everyone just went to the club armed to the teeth, everyone would be safe. That’s just logic.
This cover Erasure did of ABBA! I’ve been re-watching NCIS season 4 randomly and have nothing useful to add.
I showed up for choir!x3 again this week, and chatted with a couple new people- new choir friends maybe?
I came down with a terrible cold just in time for the weekend. I wish I had more ice cream so I could be drinking a frosty soothing ice cream float.
I’m not convinced he realizes it will be hard work.
I feel like my eyeballs just vomited.
The senator just called them out for not being there.
I think it’s similar to taking away people’s drivers licences. It’s a sensitive thing, but sometimes people can’t have their cars or their guns for medical reasons. I think doctors have a part to play, like they do with drivers licences.
That is the most majorly awesome sentence you have ever typed!
That’s how I have my burrito and eat it for lunch, too. ;)
How do you handle the cognitive dissonance?
What a great game! I love it when Ronaldo doesn’t win. Thank you, Iceland!!!
And no way I’ll ever see the Euro Cup either. Guess it’ll be CONCACAF qualifiers and friendlies forever.
That’s my point. If the number of people who say they support background checks and bans on high-capacity magazines showed up and kept showing up, they would have the same clout. That’s how civil rights advances were made, why there’s treatments for AIDS, why birth control is no longer illegal, and that’s how…
Probably, but until people get angry enough to push back, nothing will change. I mean, look at the passion of these activists who had to fight against homophobia of the 80s to save themselves, their friends, lovers and families. They got mad, they got organized, they got results.
This guy at The Guardian said it better than I ever could.
It’s different when you are a member of the group that got shot up. Feelings are feelings, and that’s nothing to feel guilty about.
The people who really want to ban abortion picket clinics relentlessly, they organize through their churches, they latch on to politicians and they’re getting results. If Americans want an assault rifle ban and background checks, why don’t they picket NRA offices? Why don’t they picket pro-NRA politicians? Where are…