
Team Bun! (shelter photo of my rescue rabbit)

here, let me iron on a sense of humor for you

ugh FBI, yet more lack of representation #waronwomen

and don’t change a thing about that shirt :) 80s

“Elucidate! Appreciate!”

“communicate about what gets you off”?

I think she’s implying that as you get older, your standards get higher, and Leo is avoiding those standards by dating outside his demographic. I think she’s also implying those young women could do better, which is likely true. But if you can’t have bad sex with questionable partners when you’re young, when can you?

At least they’re not peaking too young.

That’s the whole problem with Leo, he just doesn’t commit to a role.

Why only one at a time?

Dunno, according to the internets, a fetus with a gestation age of 23 weeks has a head circumference of 20 cm, so about the size of an orange. Still ouch.

I’m more fixated on whether she had two vaginal deliveries 5 weeks apart, because oh my god.

Since US law doesn’t apply to him, you wouldn’t even need to have a trial or evidence.

looks like little chunks of liver. I assume it’s the lining of the uterus. Now I just drop those suckers in an envelope and mail them off to the governor of Mississippi or wherever to give it proper burial.

wat??!!!! Just entered my 40s and starting to worry about the other side of all this. What else do I have to look forward that no one tells you about?

When I started teaching, this was the only book my students would sit through. They even half-believed Dahl was the BFG’s ghostwriter ;) We read the entire works of Dahl- except The Witches. That got a little too real.

I’m sad that I knew what it meant, but mostly because I read (I had no idea how many people have sexy tentacle fantasies) and also because I visit We Hunted the Mammoth. It has a helpful MRA to human glossary.

So I don’t watch enough porn is the takeaway.