
How’s the leftover pizza? I have a cold grilled zucchini, onion and broccoli pie waiting for me.

*hugs* and here’s my bunny to spend Easter with you

I thought it was funny and HRC was in on the joke. On the one hand, I wish the first woman president was someone who inspired me the way Obama’s campaign did, but given the state of presidential candidates generally, you could do so much worse.

Amphibian Ark!

:( I had a pet tadpole one spring. His name was Timothy. Once Timothy had 4 legs and a small tail, my dad and I took him back to the pond we borrowed him from. Timothy’s pond is an apartment building now.

It’ll be fine. We’ve already killing off most of the frogs, so we don’t need as many mosquitos.

Don’t be too bummed. Kids at his stage of development are sorting their world out and putting things into categories. While he’s figuring out why some people are girls and others are boys, he’ll have more trouble with the idea that boys and girls can like the same things. He’ll also have trouble with the concept that

Oh my, that mom is in so much denial about her “sweet, awkward” son. In my school system, he would be given a safety transfer to another school.

Not that it’s the same as facing actual legal consequences, but my defence lawyer friend told me he probably had to sign his house over to his lawyer as a retainer. He’ll never make the kind of money he did, and right now he’s unemployable. Broke, unemployed and homeless is something, I guess.

That sucks. Good luck!


Limbaugh is the sound that little bit of vomit in my mouth makes, every time I see that fuckwad’s name.

You’re living my dream.

I can understand why parents would be in denial, especially while their child is young. One of the kids in my extended family has a genetic disorder that causes intellectual disability, and it’s taking a while for parents and grandparents to accept that his future is going to be different than what they imagined for

Counterpoint: Parents may want a “cure” because they are terrified of what will happen to their son/ daughter when s/he is a dependent adult and they are too elderly to look after her/ him. How do they plan for retirement, and leave their kid with financial support after they die? There’s not a lot of quality care out

I got this book on making Lego animations, so I’ve been trying to think of something to animate. You’ve inspired me: Lego stations of the cross!! It’ll be awesome! I’ll post it to the popestagram!